samedi 1 juin 2013

Basic Concepts Of Spiritual Alchemy

Alchemists have been around for many centuries already as their art have been extremely significant to the history of many cultures because of their experiments with the spirit world and science. Alchemists are actually people who are experts at mixing the elements and matters of the earth like metals or chemicals. However, in order for one to do this kind of art, one would first have to master the most basic aspect of the art which would be spiritual alchemy.

In the earlier days, many thought that all of these alchemists were magicians or wizards that could manipulate anything in the entire earth. Of course they combined a lot of science with their so called magic as many of these methods can be explained by mere scientific concepts discovered by man. Now the concepts of this discipline can only be done if one has the right kind of mind.

For those who do not know about what this art is about, it is basically a self improvement art that teaches one to get in touch with himself. In order for a person to transform himself, he must first let his soul speak. Transformation is pretty much the whole essence of this entire aspect of alchemy.

Now the most basic exercise that experts would teach beginners would be none other than meditation. It is only through meditation that a person will be able to speak with his inner voice. This is possible because shutting off the physical body will allow the subconscious to concentrate on itself fully.

Another basic concept of spiritual alchemy is none other than visualization. Through meditation, a person will be able to visualize what he really wants in life and what kind of person he wants to become. Visualization exercises will help a person evolve into the ideal individual that he hopes to transform into because he has already planted in his mind what he wants.

The main essence of this art is creativity because this is actually a natural characteristic of each human being. That is why one will be able to notice that all alchemists have the ability to create things out of thin air. The soul is naturally creative because it is from the inner voice that one comes up with unique ideas.

If a person were to evolve into a brand new individual, there will always be some hindrances like inner weaknesses such as fear or ego. Ego is very dangerous when it comes to personality transformation because it stops a person from wanting to change himself. Fear on the other hand prevents a person from moving forward because of fear of what lies ahead in the future.

In the world today, an alchemist is not a sorcerer who uses magic to manipulate matter but he is instead a genius who has reached his divine potential. This is because the art of spiritual alchemy is still very apparent in society today. It is through this art that many people have evolved and reached the peak of their skills.

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