mercredi 29 mai 2013

Essential Facts About Treating Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a disorder one experiences when the food in his or her stomach moves in the wrong direction and is regurgitated toward the esophagus or throat. It can cause discomfort, and in certain cases it can prove dangerous. Treating acid reflux involves various measures such as medication and dietary changes. The treatment selected will depend on the severity of one's disorder, as well as its source. In order for the condition to be completely cured, stomach contents must be prevented from traveling backwards.

If individuals who have this disorder do not seek any kind of treatment, serious problems can ensue. For instance, if regurgitated fluid makes its way to the lungs, pulmonary disease can occur. Additionally, esophageal cancer is a possibility if acidic substances are constantly pushed back to the esophagus.

This disorder is often the result of obesity, but those who are not overweight may also develop the condition. With obese persons, the pressure from excessive belly fat encourages the contents of their stomach to move in the wrong direction. This is why those suffering from the disorder should not wear tight apparel, lace up bodices or corsets. It is also essential for such individuals to follow a sensible diet and participate in physical activity if they want to cure their condition.

Once an individual sheds excess pounds, his or her symptoms abate in many cases. Depending on how many excess pounds a person is carrying, and the length of time it takes the individual to get his or her weight under control, additional treatments may be needed to relieve symptoms. These may include the aforementioned medications or changes in his or her diet and level of physical activity.

There is a variety of things an individual can do to help alleviate the symptoms of the condition. For instance, eating slowly, thoroughly chewing one's food, and remaining in an upright position after consuming a meal are all tips worth following. In addition, refraining from eating within two hours of retiring will help the stomach and esophagus to function properly.

Specific drugs can be utilized to alleviate the person's symptoms, and there are many from which to choose. However, the majority of them are considered antacids. Their primary function is to turn off the proton pump in the patient's stomach, which will stop acid production.

It is wise for patients to avoid spicy foods, including peppers, tomatoes, alcohol, and red wine. This is usually helpful with regard to symptom control. Those who find it difficult to avoid such fare should consume an acid reducer one half hour prior to eating a meal. Those suffering from a severe form of the disorder, however, should avoid such foods entirely.

Individuals who follow the suggestions outlined above, but do not have any relief from their symptoms should speak to a doctor with whom they can discuss various treatments. As mentioned earlier, untreated acid reflux may lead to severe health problems or complications. For this reason, it is unwise to ignore such a disorder or let it get out of control.

In some instances, such disorders dissipate on their own. However, it is never a good idea to gamble that this will be the case. Treating acid reflux when it is first experienced is always one's best course of action.

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